Time for another podcast

A few months ago, Johan Steyn reached out to me from South Africa (via LinkedIn) to ask if I’d like to be a guest on his Careers in Software Testing podcast. Johan has been very busy interviewing lots of testers around the world for his relatively new podcast and I was happy to accept his invitation.

It took a while for our calendars and timezones to line up, but we eventually got there and recorded the podcast in early September. Johan likes to keep the podcasts to around twenty minutes but we still managed to talk about a few different topics. With the subject of the podcast series in mind, he always asks his guests how they ended up in software testing and it’s been interesting to hear the answers to this question from his numerous guests so far. The common theme is “falling into testing” and my story is no different. For those who don’t know how I ended up in testing, you’ll have to listen to the podcast to hear the story – but it all started when I moved to a different country and interviewed for a job as a technical writer!

Johan’s been a very busy man recording the podcasts, so my contribution won’t be “live” for a while, but I’ll update here when it is. Thanks again to Johan for the invitation and the chance to share my thoughts on software testing.


2 thoughts on “Time for another podcast

  1. Pingback: 2018 in review | Rockin' and Testing All Over The World – therockertester

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